Sitges.Hosting eMBgroup Low Cost Hosting from eMBgroup 2011-06-07T19:25:09Z hourly 1 2000-01-01T12:00+00:00 Keeping Current 2011-06-07T09:06:23Z When eMBgroup began, over 10 years ago, we looked at which Content management System, (CMS) to adopt.

We were disappointed!

Few managed to provide ease of use and none provided that and good search engine friendly pages. So we made our own.

Octavo CMS has gone of through many versions to be a fantastic CMS praised for it’s simplicity and extremely adjustable, for clients with varied ‘bespoke’ requirements. As we knew the code we had written.

Occasionally we re-visited free Open Source options and untalised several where the solution suited them best. Still the low feature ones, were the only easy ones to use and the enterprise, clever ones, were difficult for clients and sometimes us!

Finally, they began to bring out cut down versions, to satisfy those that were seeing it could be easier. Then finally fully fledges options began to appear.

After allowing them to mature, we are pleased to be able to report that we have added low cost Open Source CMS options to our offering.

Not only for the typical business or personal site, but a raft of specilaised sites, that used to take us tens of days to make.

Whilst they do not cover more defined industries, such as the store we built for ‘made to measure picture frames’ or the ‘procurement system’ we developed for a Govt funded project, they can accommodate many popular industries.

Some are below, and we are adding more every month. Feel free to suggest one here.

Full Information:


Business in A Box: Events Company / Car Sales or Showroom / Estate Agent or Property Portal
Classifieds Website / Recruitment & Job Board / Restaurant Website

Sell Online: ProductzStore FrontEmporiume-CommerceStandard StoreKidz StoreeShopStoreSell an eBookSell a Virtual Product

Others: Weddings Spar or Salon
Due Soon: Musicians – Hotel Bookings – Appointments Site
